Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Baby Update

People have been asking me why I haven't updated my blog lately. The main reason is that I've been enjoying my summer, but it's also because Mommy has been busy getting ready for my new siblings. Unfortunately Mommy also had quite a scare the other day with the twins and went into premature labour. She's now in the hospital and will need to stay there on strict bed rest until the babies are born. Right now we don't know if that will be a few days, a few weeks or a few months. While I miss Mommy, we're hoping that she's there for a long time so the babies can be healthy. They're only 25 weeks old right now so they still need at least another month of growing.

Please pray for Mommy that she'll stay healthy.


Shaun and Holly said...

We are praying!!!!!!
Auntie Holly

Louise Chapman said...

Thanks for the update, we'll be praying for your siblings and parents Shaylah!